About Us


The genesis of Kannada Online Tuitions is rooted in a deeply personal experience. The founders, who are Kannada-speaking parents, encountered a significant challenge when it came to helping their own daughter understand and excel in the Kannada language. This experience served as a catalyst for recognizing a broader issue – the difficulty that non-native students, particularly those from English medium backgrounds, face in comprehending the intricacies of the Kannada language.

With a deep commitment to addressing this need, Kannada Online Tuitions was conceived. The founders recognized the importance of introducing Kannada to non-native students in an accessible and engaging manner. They understood that a structured, methodical approach was necessary to bridge the gap and build linguistic confidence.


The approach adopted was two-fold:


Methodical Curriculum: Kannada Online Tuitions meticulously designed a curriculum that eases non-native students into the world of Kannada. This begins with foundation courses that lay a strong base in the language, with a gradual shift towards Kannada medium instruction. This methodical transition ensures that students can pick up the language at a pace that suits their individual learning needs.


Bilingual Approach: Recognizing that non-native students may initially struggle with the script and vocabulary, Kannada Online Tuitions incorporated Roman transliteration and English translations in the initial stages of teaching. This served as a bridge to help students comprehend the language comfortably. Additionally, the platform offers voice-recorded versions of lessons in Kannada, aiding in proper pronunciation and instilling confidence in learners.


The founders initially adopted a teaching approach that favored 70% English and 30% Kannada, but as students progressed, this crutch was gradually phased out. The well-thought-out curriculum and supportive teaching methods ensured that students grew to understand and embrace Kannada in its native form.

The journey of Kannada Online Tuitions exemplifies the power of personal experience and determination in addressing educational gaps. What started as a quest to assist one student has grown into a platform that empowers countless non-native learners to confidently master the Kannada language and connect with Karnataka’s rich culture and heritage.

Our Mission

Our mission is to break down language barriers and connect individuals/students to the beautiful Kannada language . We believe that language is a bridge that enables meaningful connections and a deeper understanding of different communities and traditions. With this vision, we are committed to providing a seamless and effective language learning experience.

Our Specialization

At Kannada Online Tuitions, we specialize in offering top-notch Kannada language instruction tailored to the needs of students in state board, CBSE, ICSE, or IB curriculam.

Management Team

Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Guiding Divine Chancellor

Dr. A. Aruna B.D.S


Vidya J.K


Executive Director

Shadakshari P.K
